Vision and Mission

Ammucare’s mission is to uplift, empower and instil hope and positivity amongst those in need – in all species – through regular acts of selfless service throughout India, simultaneously uplifting the lives of all of our volunteers as they experience the transformative effect of serving others unconditionally.
By sharing what we have, we become rich inside. By bringing the brightness of love, caring and sharing to society, we brighten the world as we brighten ourselves

Ammucare’s vision is to continually expand the number of lives that it touches by serving the needs of the underprivileged and uplifting all species on this beautiful planet with unconditional love and compassion. Kindness and compassion be our lifestyle and serving all beings beyond caste, creed, color, culture, communities. While providing a means for its volunteers experience oneness and love for all beings through powerful acts of selfless service.

To empower the powerless and the marginalised.
To generate selfless actions that empowers.
To encourage selflessness that comes from a feeling of love and not expectations.
To promote care beyond all man-made barriers that drive a wedge among people.