About Us
Ammucare’s Origin
Ammucare is a registered non-profit organisation established in India in 2003 by Mohanji. The
trust was started to honour the spirit of his daughter Ammu, who passed away at the tender age
of four in a tragic road accident on 23rd August 2000. During her brief sojourn on this planet, she
touched the hearts of many through her radiance, pure love and maturity beyond her years.
Ammu lives on through the smiles of many who have benefitted through various selfless initiatives and acts of kindness. The Ammu story – What seemed like an end was infact a new beginning. Ammucare resonates with Unconditional Love and Care beyond barriers.
Ammu lives on through the smiles of many who have benefitted through various selfless initiatives and acts of kindness. The Ammu story – What seemed like an end was infact a new beginning. Ammucare resonates with Unconditional Love and Care beyond barriers.
Based out of Palakkad in Kerala, the trust has grown beyond regional barriers. Accepted and
encouraged by a wide spectrum of people from different parts of the world, Ammucare now
works throughout the world to extend care universally to all the children of Mother Earth.
Ammucare provides essential resources and services such as food, shelter, clothing, medical care,
education and other means of support that empower and uplift the helpless and underprivileged.
We engage in activities that paves way for growth and non-dependency. As a platform, that encourages charity and giving,
Ammucare presents an opportunity for like-minded people who wish to give back to society to
channelise their efforts, resources and donations for a greater cause.
Ammucare aspires to bring peace, happiness and higher evolution to all its volunteers. Our
not only serve the underprivileged but also bring happiness to all the supporters by expanding our inner selves or expanding our hearts. The platform ignites selfless
giving towards all and helps to evolve from within.
Our ultimate aim is to kindle empathy within all hearts towards all kinds of beings on Earth.

“Ammucare happened. I had no intention to start any charity organisation. After Ammu’s death, I felt
a big absence in life. Everything seemed empty and incoherent. The very purpose of life presented
itself as a big question mark. Since the day August 23rd in 2000, I was coming to terms with myself. A
series of further tragedies followed. I lost my job, I contracted a skin allergy which was painful and
irritating, I separated from my wife, I lost all my savings in a house deal, my belongings got stolen etc.
That phase of life was indeed traumatic. One by one, God took away everything I was attached to, or
belonged to this entity called Mohan. I became completely naked and abandoned. It was at that
time, when an old saint threw the seeds of a charity organisation in my mind. It made no sense to me
at that time because the usual questions such as who, why, when, what, where, how and the like
were blocking the free thinking. Yet, the saint’s words kept ringing in my ears “Do something for the
children of mother earth. You will have eternal peace”.
Ammucare happened! It was formed on the basis of two core pillars of thought “Unconditional Love” and “Care Beyond all Man-Made Barriers” such as caste, creed, countries, communities, colours and other barriers created by man. Do something for the children of mother earth you will have eternal peace.

These ideas were formed when I was
briefly staying at Vanamali Ashram on the banks of river Ganges. When I presented this to Mother
Vanamali, she blessed this idea and said “All those who are associated with Ammucare, will have their
lives enhanced”. This has actually happened and keeps happening. Many positive changes have
happened to people who have been associated with Ammucare. This is Divine Grace. So, it is divinity
who made it happen. Divinity keeps it going. I am just an instrument of the glorious Divine.”

Our Vision
Ammucare’s vision is to continually expand the number of lives that it touches by
serving the needs of the underprivileged and uplifting all species on this beautiful
planet with selfless love and compassion. Kindness and compassion as our
lifestyle, serving all beings beyond caste, creed, colour, culture and communities
while providing a means for its volunteers to experience oneness and love for all
beings through powerful acts of selfless service.
Our Mission
Ammucare’s mission is to uplift, empower and instill hope and positivity amongst
those in need – in all species – through regular acts of selfless service throughout
India, simultaneously uplifting the lives of all of our volunteers as they experience
the transformative effect of serving others unconditionally.
By sharing what we have, we become rich inside. By bringing the brightness of
unconditional love, care and sharing to society, we brighten the world as we
brighten ourselves.

Our Objectives
- To empower the helpless and the marginalised.
- To generate selfless actions that empower.
- To encourage selflessness that comes from a feeling of love and not expectations.
- To promote care beyond all man-made barriers that drive a wedge among people.
Bramha kumaris rewarded Ammucare Charitable Trust for its committed work for the welfare of all beings (2022).

The Founder- Mohanji
Mohanji, the founder of Ammucare Charitable Trust (ACT), is a globally respected
philanthropist who likes to call himself an ordinary man. An exemplary family man and an
erstwhile corporate professional, he believes in the process of evolving spiritually while
living and experiencing life. An unassuming man and friend to all species, he freely creates
and offers powerful practices, such as Meditations, Conscious Walking and Consciousness
Kriya, to accelerate spiritual evolution.
Liberation from all bindings, concepts and habits of life are his core teachings. He places
emphasis on purity, faith, unconditional love and selfless service towards fellow beings
across species.
Mohanji is also a published author, a regular blogger and a speaker at various leading
institutions. He is a permanent invitee to the International Peace Pledge Project. He has
also established the Mohanji Foundation, a global organisation dedicated to guiding all
beings towards a non-violent, peaceful and compassionate existence that contributes
positively to society and to Mother Earth.